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Maps get more interesting: Ironfist 1.2 released!

Maps get more interesting: Ironfist 1.2 released!

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  • Maps get more interesting: Ironfist 1.2 released!

We’ve been cooking some things up over the last few months, and it’s finally all come together. Ironfist 1.2 is here!

The scripting system has been substantially improved. Want to track every square that each hero has stepped on? Now easy thanks to new improvements to map variables. Multiple new triggers and functions have been released. Zombies are waiting to jump out of every chest thanks to the insidious “StartBattle” function.

See it in action by playing the new (and final!) version of the map “Last Stand.” Many surprises await.

Soon we will begin announcing the new Cyborg creatures. Keep a watch on the next one….lest he disappear in a puff of smoke.

We are welcoming new members to our awesome team. Are you a kickass artists, stellar mapmaker, or coding rockstar? Send a sample of your work to